Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rapid Cool Downs... almost over for the season.

A Rapid Cool Down is something I have been enjoying during the winter, and will certainly miss during the summer.

I finish my footbag freestyle jam session in my double secret dojang every day during lunch (1186 days in a row today), sweating up a storm. Then, less than 10 minutes later, I need to be at work and ready to go. My rapid cool-down is accomplished by walking from the dojang to my place of employment outdoors in my shorts and t-shirt. This quickly stops the body from sweating, then a simple wipe down and get dressed is all I need to do to get started.

In the summer months, I have to allow more time to cool down because my body just keeps on sweating. During the summer, I Xoot from work to my outdoor dojang (that I call Mammoth Springs) and back again. The wind in my face is as rapid of a cool down as I can get. In the summer I need more time to clean up and to allow for cool down in the summer.

Ironically while it takes longer to warm up in the winter, it is faster to cool down. And in the summer it is quicker to warm up, and takes longer to cool down.


Shred Notes: 3/20/2010
Mobius with reverse direction dex (not sure what that is called), hit it on my flipside easier than on my main side.
Skooling music choices for Worlds 2010 already. Determined to have a solid routine, well practiced and ready to go for Worlds this year.

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