Thursday, March 18, 2010

Finally outdoors again!

I am uncharacteristically excited about the weather situation here and now in Chicago area.
I am riding my xootr again every day, I'm going to start a blog about xootrs soon.
I'm getting out at breaks on my xootr. I'm wearing shorts almost all the time again. I'm finally shredding outdoors again. I've found at least 3 great songs to do a routine to, now I have to whiddle them down to one.
I get to go to the park more with my son and wife. I suppose I just didn't appreciate what I was missing, until I had it again. Getting back out to the forest trails on my xootr, along the lakefront downtown, shredding outdoors,

Sooooo refreshing. I'm definitely opening all the windows in my home when I get there tonight!


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