Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Bikram Shredding

Bikram Yoga is a vigorous style of yoga done in a room set to 105 degrees fahrenheit. While playing in extreme heat in the summer is a challenge that requires a delicate mix of hydration, training and insanity. Playing in my living room in extreme heat is another thing.

Most people have control over the temperature of their home. I live in a condo where the heat is either on or off. When the heat goes on, without my control, our radiators kick into high gear. And since we live in the bottom unit, all the building pipes are routed through our house. We get double the heat. To top it off, our radiator in the washroom is bleeding steam and totally out of control. It is usually very hot in my home. We typically regulate the heat by opening windows when it becomes unbearable. We call it "Oppressive Heat".

When I shred at home in my living room, I try to time it so I play when the heat is off. However, when I play early morning or sometimes when I get the urge, it is during a hot-cycle. When I play in the extreme heat of my home, I call it Bikram Shredding.

I sure get warm fast in this kind of heat, and while I am unreasonable in my commitment to shred every day, the challenge is to keep playing hard for over an hour in a small space, and to accomplish something great in the process. Sweating profusely in my living room has a down-side though, my 65" TV tends to get drops of sweat on it from my spinning. Oh well, just another thing to clean.

Shred Notes: 2/24/10
Nothing spectacular to speak of. Skooled the hell out of flip-side Blender, felt like Brian McKenzie doing blenders back to back all over the place. This is significant because I have a tendency to pull a Dyno when I intend to do a Blender on my flip. Getting better at the flip Blender. Yeah!

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